Heather Smith

Actor Hey there - I'm an artist, communicator, and general creative type!

About this Player

Years ago, walking the wind-swept abbey ruins high above Whitby, North Yorkshire, featured in Dracula, Heather felt she should summon the pluck and finally read this eerie classic. She chickened out. But, now, thanks to the Oakville Players, she has cinched her virtual corset, and taken the journey as the admirable Mina Harker.

Heather has seen on stage with BurlOak, Milton Players, and Markham Little Theatre groups.

About the character Heather is portraying:

Mina Murray Harker: Jonathan's fiancée - A bright and industrious woman, she works hard to be useful to the people she cares about. She is good friends with Lucy whom she met at school.


Episode 1: Leaving the West

Heather Smith Duncan Cairns Tina Aurora Muneer Malik-Noor Robert Harrower

Episode 2: My Own Body a Banquet

Heather Smith Duncan Cairns Robert Harrower Kenneth Sergienko Tina Aurora

Episode 3: A Fleeting Diorama of Light and Shade

Duncan Cairns Tina Aurora Kenneth Sergienko Heather Smith Robert Harrower

Episode 4: A Long Spell of East Wind

Tina Aurora Duncan Cairns Muneer Malik-Noor Heather Smith Robert Harrower

Episode 5: Much and Terrible Troubles

Kenneth Sergienko Muneer Malik-Noor Heather Smith Robert Harrower Tina Aurora Duncan Cairns

Episode 6: The Devil's Un-Dead

Robert Harrower Tina Aurora Kenneth Sergienko Duncan Cairns Muneer Malik-Noor Heather Smith

Episode 7: Any Thing So Hunted

Kenneth Sergienko Muneer Malik-Noor Robert Harrower Heather Smith Duncan Cairns

Episode 8: Your Veins Have Appeased My Thirst

Duncan Cairns Kenneth Sergienko Robert Harrower Heather Smith Muneer Malik-Noor

Episode 9: This Mark of Shame

Kenneth Sergienko Muneer Malik-Noor Robert Harrower Duncan Cairns Heather Smith

Series Finale 1: The Heart of the Enemy's Country (In-Person)

Duncan Cairns Robert Harrower Heather Smith Kenneth Sergienko Muneer Malik-Noor Tina Aurora

Series Finale 2: The Heart of the Enemy's Country (In-Person)

Tina Aurora Heather Smith Duncan Cairns Robert Harrower Kenneth Sergienko Muneer Malik-Noor

Series Finale 3: The Heart of the Enemy's Country (In-Person)

Tina Aurora Heather Smith Muneer Malik-Noor Robert Harrower Duncan Cairns Kenneth Sergienko

Series Finale 4: The Heart of the Enemy's Country (In-Person)

Muneer Malik-Noor Kenneth Sergienko Robert Harrower Duncan Cairns Heather Smith Tina Aurora

Episode 10 (Series Finale): The Heart of the Enemy's Country

Kenneth Sergienko Duncan Cairns Robert Harrower Heather Smith Tina Aurora Muneer Malik-Noor

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